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The dynamics of working with African families and their family offices

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of attending a STEP Roundtable sponsored by Standard Bank's International Fiduciary Services. The discussion was enriched with leading experts across the African wealth market focusing on the dynamics of working with African families and their family offices. During the discursive roundtable the key areas of focused were:

  • Trends in estate and succession planning for wealthy African families: How are families responding to geopolitical events, how are they affected by compliance and regulations trends, how would the UK Budget affect them and what is the outlook for 2024 and beyond?
  • Characteristics of wealthy African families: Cultural considerations, what does wealth mean for African families, what are their most pressing needs and the familiar challenges when dealing with African wealth.
  • Planning for wealthy African families: Preferred structuring and planning, the work carried out by advisors and working with African connected family offices.

At Boodle Hatfield, today, much of our work has an international dimension as many internationally mobile families, particularly those from various jurisdictions in Africa, turn to us to help them structure their wealth. Within the firm we have a dedicated Africa practice. We have partnered successfully with many wealthy individuals and families across Africa who have placed their trust in us to support and advise them on various matters ranging from advice on UK residence and property acquisitions to helping them structure and finance their international private and business assets. If you have any specific issues that you would like to discuss we would welcome hearing from you.


private wealth, international, africa, estate planning, family office, trusts & estates, wills, events