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Succession planning: cultural nuances & the next generation

Back in February, Private Wealth Partner, Clare Stirzaker joined the Next Gen Talks podcast with Esiri Agbeyi, Partner, Private Clients & Family Business Leader at PwC to talk on the topic of succession planning - looking particularly at cultural nuances and the next generation.

Together on the episode, Esiri and Clare provide insights and perspectives on how family businesses can make the most of succession planning, and follow the right approach towards governance structure. They reinforce that succession planning is not only about retirement, but thinking about the business and the needs of the business, and how you can make sure that business keeps going in the event of something happening to one of the key leaders.

An excerpt from the podcast has been published in Business Day's “My Family, My Business,” series, which is available to read here and if you haven't tuned into the podcast episode yet, click here to listen via Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts or Youtube.

A lot of families are really questioning actually, “Should we just pass on all the wealth down to the next generation?”


private wealth, business, next generation, family business, business planning, private business, governance